How to find us
Peterhead Baptist is found on King Street in Peterhead.
There is a Google map further down this page, or you can find us on Google maps here.
Our address is 49 King Street, Peterhead, AB42 1TA .
By bus:
By local public transport, there are several busses that stop at the bottom of King Street.
By car:
If travelling by car, take the A90 and then the A982 into Peterhead.
The A982 leads onto King Street, where the church is located.
You can use York Street car park for parking, but please park considerately and with our neighbours in mind.
Our address is 49 King Street, Peterhead, AB42 1TA .
By bus:
By local public transport, there are several busses that stop at the bottom of King Street.
By car:
If travelling by car, take the A90 and then the A982 into Peterhead.
The A982 leads onto King Street, where the church is located.
You can use York Street car park for parking, but please park considerately and with our neighbours in mind.